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2004-08-07, 23:51
Am I choosing to see the evil and overlooking the good...?

does displaying regret make me weak?

this could be...?

my focus has been on the bad for so long now that it seems that's all we've had....like an iceberg of evil with a tiny protruding tip jutting up from the murky dankness of seaweed infested waters shimmering in circles with greenish-black hue...i see u.

2004-08-07, 23:54
it takes a big heart to cry and even bigger heart to tell why.

2004-08-08, 01:16
everyone makes mistakes
and they do not make u weak
making them again and again without a thought of change is weakness
regret shows ur compassion
but u cannot regret something if u keep doing it
if myself have done bad things some accidental some on purpose and no doubt i still do (but not on purpose anymore)
everyone needs time to discover themselves

u have decided beauty has limits
maybe that is holding u back
maybe u have reached ur supposed level of beauty?
u must focus on the good AND bad but let neither rule but what makes u happy and the people around u
some things some people say are good or bad that u know to be the opposite
walk ur own path and do not let urself be led cause the first path there is astray
find ur inner questions and see if it has a possible answer
we are here to do these things Tim
i know u have a good heart Tim but u have a misdirected mind
i myself do
why do u think i do what i do?
there no point doing nothing
what have u got to loose and what have u got to gain?
if things are not good u have everything to gain and nothing to loose
but in the end ur stipped of everything
this world is a stage
but like childhood if misdirected u may never reach adulthood
look to the stars
they will show u ur path
the great thing is only u know how to do this
advice can be taken and applyed wrong so u must learn to learn and learn to accept things that may go against ur grain
accept that everything u know may be wrong and look for the truth in ur mind
the world is like a gem to me
u get it out of the ground and it looks like a normal rock right?
wash it up and u have a stone but a colourfull stone with inner beauty that would have never been seen if u had never washed the dirt off
wash ur mind and build apon a clean slate if possible

2004-08-08, 01:23
that was beautiful, crim. Notice I didn't quote ya?
I have been given over to a reprobate mind by God.

2004-08-08, 01:35
quote or no quote u decide
easier to work with a clean slate than a dirty one
i wish i were a child with the intentions i have now
i would be the first child buddha (at least that i know of)
but Buddha did it after a life of luxury and had no idea of the worlds pain
he was 39 at enlightenment and i have now stood at the very spot
it was very calming and beautifull but somewhat chaotic to stand at the center of the universe

2004-08-08, 01:43
quote or no quote u decide
easier to work with a clean slate than a dirty one
i wish i were a child with the intentions i have now
i would be the first child buddha (at least that i know of)
but Buddha did it after a life of luxury and had no idea of the worlds pain
he was 39 at enlightenment and i have now stood at the very spot
it was very calming and beautifull but somewhat chaotic to stand at the center of the universe

what's this center of the universe at which you've stood?
i stand at a doorway to darkness called katarina's eyes. ;)
i've seen japanese buddha's, thai buddha's and vietnamese buddha's...this buddha you speak of was a person with and affluent life? and just what was the standard of perfection you refer to as enlightenment?

whose to say he gained it? or was really enlightened?who sets the standard for determination of the completeness of such a thing as understanding?

2004-08-08, 01:53
when the universe is reborn
(big bang- forming and unforming - to rebirth and another big bang)
the last point to dissapear is the point at which THE buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) was enlightened and the first to reapear when it is reborn
if her mind is darkness maybe its ur interpretation because in only see light
u know when u reach enlightenment because all the values of a good person is in u then
and enlightenment is not perfection
like awakening from sleep
there is no standard but u know in ur heart whenu have reached it

2004-08-08, 02:04
when the universe is reborn
(big bang- forming and unforming - to rebirth and another big bang)
the last point to dissapear is the point at which THE buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) was enlightened and the first to reapear when it is reborn
if her mind is darkness maybe its ur interpretation because in only see light
u know when u reach enlightenment because all the values of a good person is in u then
and enlightenment is not perfection
like awakening from sleep
there is no standard but u know in ur heart whenu have reached it

your basing belief on a theory..the theory that the universe was formed and is unformed and reforming.
that concept of a buddha appearing at a certain point is as crazy a notion as a God that just was.
i was just being poetic..but what you said sounded good..i like it so its worth me having mispoke for that wondeful analogy. such judgements are not mine to make.
enligtenment is understanding..something I seek..do others?
we go to sleep everyday and awake from it as well..for most it makes no difference in adding to their intellect.
maybe then you set the standard but others may not accept the accuracy of the measurement.

2004-08-08, 09:12
and its not Buddha appearing it is that point on the earth
read my writing if u do not u WILL miss a lot

the universe always was
u cannot destroy energy
why do u think we have so called souls (spirit)
why does ur sound travel through the universe?
while u cannot hear it it is still there

u look around u and not in ur own head to get the big picture
my mind holds a process of elimination
well if it can't be that then it might be? and i go looking

the universe supposedly born out of the big bang
it is growing outward but it is slowing
it stops and stars to crash inwards
another big bang

for every action the must be an equal and opposite reaction isnt it?

where do u think the idea of human rebirth and karma come from?
the universe

while God goes against nature buddhism of what i believe it to be works within it (no Buddha gods for me)

God claims to have power over everything and be good willed but there is the ultimate evil that he WILL NOT get rid of because he wants to test us
without the temptations we would have never needed a test

and i wouldn't mind there being a God except he isnt very convincing for an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being

and with a good enough memory and will u can remember ur dreams and even plan them
if that dosen't help ur intelect i do not know what would
since ur dreams are mostly clearer than most thought

ill never claim myself to be the best or even great
BUT i will tell u i am here to help people and gain total peace for the world
if u think im just tricking u or something
question me
try to prove me wrong
u may give me something good to think about
we may both gain higher fruits of life
and the fact u try not to be bad is good
there is always someone raising the bar
try raising one of ur own man its awesome
expect the unexpected
but think about it rationally and logically
if u do not come to the right decision try and try again
why do think the world is like it is?
and christians cannot gain enlightenment because their saviour says not to understand or question
not ever had someone tell u to wake up when ur not sleeping?
i know i have
and i am trying to awaken and open my mind
many do many have many will
are u one of them?